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Beauty Tips


Know your hair type; dry, oily, straight, curly, frizzy.. Then, identify suitable hair maintenance products including deep conditioning to reconstruct your natural hair look without breaking your target budget. We use the best products from various part of the world to help keep a healthy and improved look throughout your days.


Determine your skin tone to find the shade that will bring out the best in your complexion, you also need to know your undertones to bring up the best in you. Hair care after color treatment is essential to maintain healthy and glamourous look. We offer a full spectrum of products and tips for all types of hair and weather conditions. 


Fewer than 25% of women are good at styling their own hair. Most say the wrong (or too much) product and bad hair dryer skills are the primary problems. A good haircut should fall right into place with very little hair care product. Hair volume is the number one hair styling request, but most of us can’t seem to get it right! We provide you with best hair care tips based on time and needs.


Going Overboard Sometimes, we forget that less is more. Blow-drying, roller-setting and iron-curling are for runway models, and it’s very hard on even the toughest tresses because heat-styling overworks hair. Also, short hair is rarely intended to look perfect. Today’s haircuts have natural movement and fall freely, so there’s no reason to over-style it.

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